Brittany is not only learning, but helping others to learn!
Sitting in a sea of students at her old school, Brittany felt lost. She couldn’t hear her teacher. She was distracted by the loud talking and disrespectful behavior of other students. She was frustrated and falling behind academically. She wanted to learn.
Coming to St. John Paul II as a 7th grader was scary. Being the new kid is never easy, but Brittany saw the difference right away. Her class was small. She could hear her teacher and get one-on-one help when she was stuck on a math problem.
Brittany’s teacher, Jessi Weakley, is impressed with the progress Brittany has made in just one semester. These days Brittany is helping her peers during class when they are stuck on a math problem! As more people support and believe in her, the more Brittany believes in herself.