
Our staff members have years of experience in their fields of expertise.

Milena Aldana

Spanish Teacher, After-School Program

Gabriela Auquilla

Preschool Teacher

Kha Dihn

4th Grade

Sara Doherty


Sara Feinberg

Performing Arts Teacher

Undergraduate degree in music (voice) with a minor in theatre, Master’s in Teaching from Hamline University. I have taught theatre throughout the Twin Cities for 20 years and was a classroom teacher for 8 years.

John Fischer

After-School Program

Zuleida Hernandez

Preschool Assistant Teacher

Bridget Kirby Younce

1st Grade

Jennifer Lentz

5th Grade

Joe Lewis

Physical Education

Jamie Michel


Judi Mikolai

LDA Title 1 teacher

B.A. University of Minnesota, Morris, M.A. University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Reading Certification grades K-12 Hamline University.

Christine Moore

3rd Grade

Silvia Ochoa

City Connects Coordinator

Annie Organ

1st Grade

Kim Reeves


Arlett Scaramuzzo

School Secretary

Maggie Schmidt

Administrative Assistant

Patricia Schneider

Art Teacher

Christine Sullivan

Middle School (Grades 6-8), 7th Grade Homeroom

Bachelor of Arts in Elementary/Middle School Education and Spanish Education, Mount Mary University, Milwaukee, Wis.

Jessi Weakley

Middle School (Grades 6-8), 8th Grade Homeroom

Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education, Minor in Theology from College of St. Catherine.