
Boys Basketball Game

St. John Paul II Catholic School 1632 4th St NE, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Players be there at 6:00 PM. vs. Epiphany

Boys Basketball Game

St. John Paul II Catholic School 1632 4th St NE, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Players be there at 6:00 PM. vs. Legacy Orange

Boys Basketball Game

St. John Paul II Catholic School 1632 4th St NE, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Players be there at 6:00 PM. vs. St. Stephen

Boys Basketball Game

St. John Paul II Catholic School 1632 4th St NE, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Players be there at 6:00 PM. vs St. Stephen

December POM Parent Webinar

Description: Calming the Chaos: Parenting during times of change and transition at the holidays, during family transitions, and during emerging adolescence. This session is perfect for parents navigating the challenges of the holidays, family transitions, or the onset of adolescence. We will explore strategies to maintain stability and calm during these often turbulent times, focusing on […]

School Mass

Holy Cross

Commission New Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist: Mr. Dinh, Ms. Castillo, Mr. Richter

Boys Basketball Game

Legacy Christian Academy (3037 Bunker Lake Blvd NW, Andover, MN 55304)

Players be there at 4:30 PM. vs. Legacy Navy

Advent Prayer

Gym 402 Fresno Street, Coffeyville, KS, United States

School Mass

Holy Cross

Feast of the Immaculate Conception

Boys Basketball Game

Avail Academy (8966 Pierce St. NE, Blaine, MN 55434 )

Players be there at 6:45 PM. vs. Avail Green

Advent Prayer

Gym 402 Fresno Street, Coffeyville, KS, United States

CANCELED Boys Basketball Game

St. John Paul II Catholic School 1632 4th St NE, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Players be there at 6:00 PM. vs. Avail White

Christmas Assembly

Gym 402 Fresno Street, Coffeyville, KS, United States