
We Serve the Whole Child
At St. John Paul II, we have high expectations for our scholars. We expect them to progress toward and past grade-level proficiency. We help them recognize themselves as beloved children of God. We help them to understand their emotions and how to relate to others in the world.
We believe that each of our scholars is a beloved child of God filled with many gifts and talents. Our mission is to foster academic excellence in all areas of study. Our curriculum is built on national and state standards and reflect best educational practices. Our primary and Middle School teams collaborate to provide individualized instruction that builds off the strength of each scholar. We use the data provided by the NWEA Map Growth scores as well as both formal and informal classroom assessments to pinpoint student growth and areas of learning. Our small class sizes allow instruction to be tailored to meet these identified needs.
Our curriculum incorporates technology skills that enhance the learning experience. Scholars utilize classroom Chromebook labs on rigorous learning platforms in math and language to provide personalized instruction at their unique learning level.
Our curriculum includes:
- Language Arts (K-4 Groves Phonics, K-5 Great Minds Wit and Wisdom, 6-8 Savvas My Perspectives)
- Math (K-8 Savvas enVision Integrated Mathematics)
- Science
- Social Studies
- Religion (K-1, 3-8 Ignatius Press Image of God; Grade 2 Sophia Institute Press Spirit of Truth; K-5 Ruah Woods; 6-8 Theology of the Body for Teens)
- Spanish
- Library
- Social Emotional Learning (K-8 Friendzy)
- Music/Band
- Visual Arts
- Performing Arts
- Physical Education
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a framework that helps us to reinforce positive behaviors that we want to see our students have while at school. This will help students and staff to have a common understanding of what it means to behave appropriately in our school building. The following information will help us understand the behaviors that are expected of all students, all the time.
At Saint John Paul II, we are all called to be SAINTs. The following terms and descriptions will help us to understand what it means to be a SAINT, as well as specific ways that we can be SAINT-like:
Imitating Christ

Our Kindergartners Count in Three Languages
They love helping each other learn English, Spanish and Ukrainian.
Watch the Video