
Kay Hannon
Preschool Director
Kay Hannon has been actively involved in early childhood education for nearly thirty years. As a licensed early childhood teacher, she has taught hundreds of children in preschool programs, child care programs and ECFE. As a director, she is passionate about educating staff in best practices to insure children have an exceptional early childhood experience. This includes building relationships with families and the community. In recent years, Kay has also served a consultant and advisory board member for the Catholic School Center of Excellence (CSCOE). She is very excited to use her experience and knowledge to support high quality early learning programs at each of the academy schools.

Fr. Dale Korogi
Ascension Catholic Academy Executive Director
Dale Korogi was born and raised in North Minneapolis, the youngest of four sons of Joseph and Mary Korogi. He grew up in St. Philip’s parish, where he attended grade school. He graduated from Minneapolis Central High School and the University of Saint Thomas, where he earned a BA in Theology. His seminary studies took him to the North American College in Rome. There he received an STB (Baccalaureate in Theology) from the Gregorian University and an STL (Licentiate in Sacramental Theology) from the Athenaeum of Saint Anselm. In 1983, he was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis. His work there has included posts as Vocation Director, Rector of Saint John Vianney Seminary, Parochial Vicar of the Basilica of Saint Mary, and Chaplain at North Memorial Medical Center. He served as Pastor of the Church of Christ the King in Southwest Minneapolis for 12 years, and became the eighth Pastor of the Church of the Ascension in North Minneapolis in 2015 and Executive Director of Ascension Catholic Academy in 2016.

Tricia Menzhuber
Mrs. Menzhuber earned her undergraduate degree from the University of St. Thomas in International Studies and Justice and Peace Studies with minors in Spanish and Economics. She began her career in education in 2001 by teaching high school religion and social studies in Los Angeles, while attaining her M.Ed. degree through the University of Notre Dame’s Alliance for Catholic Education (ACE). Tricia returned to the Twin Cities continuing high school teaching in Catholic Schools while earning her English as a New Language (ENL) certificate at the University of Notrre Dame and her Fundraising Certificate, Education Specialist (Ed.S.) degree, and K-12 principal license at the University of St. Thomas. After five years as the head of The Way of the Shepherd Catholic Montessori School in Blaine, she began her service as the principal of St. John Paul II Catholic School in July 2018 where she loves serving our JPII families, staff, and scholars!

Patricia Stromen
Ascension Catholic Academy President
Patricia serves as the President of Ascension Catholic Academy and Parish Administrator at Church of the Ascension. She led the team that developed and launched Ascension Catholic Academy in 2016 and serves as its president. She has served as the Parish Administrator at Church of the Ascension since 2001. In that role she has overseen the business administration and pastoral ministry of the parish. She has been in parish work in the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis for 36 years and has worked in all areas of parish life, including school and parish administration, staff development, parish development, faith formation, outreach, pastoral care and liturgy. Patricia’s career has included ministry at St. Michael’s in Prior Lake and at St. Thomas the Apostle in Minneapolis. Before coming to Church of the Ascension, Patricia worked at the Basilica of Saint Mary in Pastoral Care and Staff Development. During her time at Ascension, she has worked to ensure the excellence and sustainability of Ascension Catholic School, strengthen neighborhood outreach of the parish, build the vision of an inter-cultural parish, and update the infrastructure in terms of all areas of business administration. She serves on the Catholic Cemeteries Board.

Jessi Weakley
Assistant Principal
Mrs. Weakley has a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education, Minor in Theology from College of St. Catherine. She is currently completing a Masters Degree in Educational Studies with a concentration in Special Education from the University of St. Thomas. Her two children are JPII graduates and she is proud to have been teaching middle school here for over a decade.

Blaise Younce
Assistant Principal
Mr. Younce earned a B.A. in Teaching Communication Arts and Literature from the University of Minnesota Duluth. and received his M.E. in Educational Leadership and Administration from the University of St. Thomas. Mr. Younce spent the first five years of his education journey teaching 7th grade ELA and Science at Ascension Catholic School in Minneapolis. After completion of his masters, he felt a calling to move into a leadership role and was lucky enough to end up at JPII. Over the years, he has worked hard to build a community of rigor, care, and excellence in all that JPII does. The SAINT program, which uses the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) framework, is his crown jewel. Begun in the 2022-23 school year, the SAINT program is a framework for helping students become the best they can be and details steps needed to be taken to support students who are not having success in the classroom or elsewhere.