Girls Basketball Game
St. John Paul II Catholic School 1632 4th St NE, Minneapolis, MN, United StatesPlayers be there at 6:00 PM. vs. Epiphany
Announcement: It's time to re-enroll. // Es hora de volver a matricularse. Re-Enroll Now // Vuelva a inscribirse ahora
Players be there at 6:00 PM. vs. Epiphany
Chaperones: Christine, Kha, Jess, Jeanne with Mr. Mike, Mr. Harris, and Mrs. Harris
Description: Expectations and Achievement: Knowing when to push and when to ease up around your children’s academic achievement. This session is designed for parents seeking to strike the right balance in supporting their child's academic success. We will explore how to set realistic expectations, recognize when to encourage your child to strive harder, and understand when […]